View Your Energy Field Through a New Lens –
Take a deeper look into where your energy field needs balancing and what energy blocks can start to be released for you to fulfil your potential!
Using a full evaluation with the biofeedback software we can gain greater insight into what is happening energetically and receive feedback as to what might be blocking your full potential.
We look at the Mind, Body and Spiritual Aspects that could be affecting you. We also use a specific group of frequencies that are designed to get you moving in the right direction!
In much the same way as I use kinesiology to establish energy blocks in your system, we simply use the tool of biofeedback and take a bigger snapshot picture so that we can immediately establish what key areas need addressing.
This could be more around unresolved emotions or something that is showing as manifesting on a more physical level. Whatever the focus we can identify what needs to be balanced in a holistic way and provide you with a group of personalised frequencies to remind your energy field how to come back into a place of balance and potential.
There may also be a bespoke range of essences recommended for you to follow up with after the session to enhance further healing and balancing.
Read more about Biofeedback here.